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Here are a few activities to help you remember some of the information we have in this section. All of these activities are built with Adobe Flash. Every section has its own activities.

- Colors Card Quiz
- Color Memory Game
- Web Colors Memory Game
- Maritime Flag Memory Game
- 2-D Shape Memory Game
- 2-D Shape Name Memory Game
- 2-D Shape Card Quiz
- 3-Dimensional Shape Memory Game
- 3-Dimensional Shape Card Quiz
- Comparing Traits Activity

- Counting 1 to 10 Card Quiz
- Counting 1 to 10 Memory Game
- Numbers Names 1-10 Memory Game
- "More or Less" 1-10
- "Before and After" 1-10
- Numbers 0 to 9 Memory Game
- Chinese Numbers Memory Game
- Mayan Numbers Memory Game
- Roman Numerals Memory Game
- Recognizing Numbers 1-30 Card Quiz
- "More or Less" 1-30
- "Before and After" 1-30
- Recognizing Numbers 1-50 Card Quiz
- Recognizing Numbers 1-100 Card Quiz
- "More or Less" 1-100
- "Before and After" 1-100
- Recognizing Numbers 1-1,000 Card Quiz
- "More or Less" 1-1,000
- "Before and After" 1-1,000
- Roman Numerals 1-1,000 Card Quiz
- Numbers 1-10,000 Card Quiz
- "More or Less" 1-10,000

- Single-Digit Numbers (Horiz.)
- Single-Digit Numbers (Vert.)
- One-Digit Addition Number Line
- 1, 4, and 8 Addition Quiz
- 3, 7, and 9 Addition Quiz
- 2, 5, and 10 Addition Quiz
- "More or Less" One-Digit Addition
- Single-Digit Word Problems
- One and Two-Digit Addition Number Line
- "More or Less" One and Two-Digits
- One and Two-Digit Word Problems
- Three Terms Quick Quiz
- Two-Digit Numbers (No Carrying-H)
- Two-Digit Numbers (No Carrying-V)
- "More or Less" Two Digits (No Carrying)
- Two-Digit Numbers (Carrying)
- "More or Less" Two Digits (Carrying)
- Three-Digit Numbers (No Carrying)
- Three-Digit Numbers (Carrying)
- Four-Digit Addition (No Carrying)
- Four-Digit Addition (Carrying)

- Single-Digit Numbers (Horiz.)
- Single-Digit Numbers (Vert.)
- One-Digit Subtraction Number Line
- Single-Digit Word Problem Card Quiz
- "More or Less" One-Digit Subtraction
- One-Digit Number Line (Negatives)
- Single-Digit Numbers (Negatives)
- One and Two-Digit Number Line
- "More or Less" 1 and 2-Digit (No Borrow)
- "More or Less" 1 and 2-Digit (Borrow)
- Word Problem Card Quiz
- Two-Digit Number Quiz (No Borrowing-H)
- Two-Digit Number Quiz (No Borrowing-V)
- "More or Less" Two-Digit (No Borrowing)
- Two-Digit Numbers (Borrowing)
- "More or Less" Two-Digit (Borrowing)
- Two-Digit Numbers (Negatives)
- Three-Digit Number Quiz (No Borrowing)
- Three-Digit Number Quiz (Borrowing)
- Four-Digit Number Quiz (No Borrowing)
- Four-Digit Number Quiz (Borrowing)

- Ones Memory Game
- Twos Memory Game
- Threes Memory Game
- Fours Memory Game
- Fives Memory Game
- Sixes Memory Game
- Sevens Memory Game
- Eights Memory Game
- Nines Memory Game
- Tens Memory Game
- Single-Digit Numbers (Horiz.)
- Single-Digit Numbers (Vert.)
- 4, 6, and 8 Multiplication Quiz
- 3, 7, and 9 Multiplication Quiz
- 2, 5, and 10 Multiplication Quiz
- Single-Digit Card Quiz
- Word Problem Card Quiz
- "More or Less" One-Digit Multiplication
- One and Two-Digit (No Carrying-H)
- One and Two-Digit (No Carrying-V)
- "More or Less" 1 and 2-Digit (No Carrying)
- One and Two-Digit (Carrying)
- "More or Less" 1 and 2-Digit (Carrying)
- One and Three-Digit (Carrying)
- One and Four-Digit (No Carrying)
- Two-Digit Multiplication (No Carrying)
- Two and Three-Digit (No Carrying)
- Two and Four-Digit (No Carrying)

- Ones Memory Game
- Twos Memory Game
- Threes Memory Game
- Fours Memory Game
- Fives Memory Game
- Sixes Memory Game
- Sevens Memory Game
- Eights Memory Game
- Nines Memory Game
- Tens Memory Game
- Single-Digit (No Remainder)
- Single-Digit (Remainders-H)
- Single-Digit (Remainders)
- One and Two-Digit (No Remainder-LT 10)
- One and Two-Digit (No Remainder-H)
- One and Two-Digit (No Remainder)
- One and Two-Digit (Remainder)
- Word Problem Card Quiz

- Learning Days of the Week
- Learning Months of the Year
- Time with Numbers on the Clock
- Converting Analog Time to Digital
- Counting the Number of Minutes
- Time Without Numbers on the Clock
- Recognizing Daytime and Nighttime
- Phases of the Moon
- Time Passed: Thirty Minute Amounts
- Time Passed: Fifteen Minute Amounts
- Time Passed: Five Minute Amounts
- Time Passed: One Minute Amounts
- Converting Days to Weeks
- Converting Hours to Days
- Converting Minutes to Months

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- Numbernut: More Basic Math
- Biology4Kids: Scientific Method
- Biology4Kids: Logic
- Biology4Kids: Science Videos
- Chem4Kids: Elements

Basic Math Topics
- Overview
- Shapes-Colors
- Numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Operations
- Dates & Times
> Activities

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